

Recent posts in reply to #lnlbnsq

**Simplified twtxt** - I want to suggest some dogmas or commandments for twtxt, from where we can work our way back to how to implement different feature like replies/treads:

0. It's a text file, so you must be able to write it by hand (ie. no app logic) and read by eye. If you edit a post you change the content not the timestamp. Otherwise it will be considered a new post.

2. The order of lines in a twtxt.txt must not hold any significant. The file is a container and each line an atomic piece of information. You should be able to run `sort` on a twtxt.txt and it should still work.

1. Transport protocol should not matter, as long as the file served is the same. Http and https are preferred, so it is suggested that feed served via Gopher or Gemini also provide http(s).

3. Do we need more commandments?
Read replies 3 months ago
@Codebuzz Speed is an issue for the client software, not the format itself, but yes I agree that it makes the most sense to append post to the end of the file. I'm referring to the definition that it's the first `url =` in the file that is the one that has to be used for the twthash computation, which is a too arbitrary way of defining something that breaks treading time and time again. And this is the case for not using url+date+message = twthash.
In reply to: #lnlbnsq 3 months ago
@movq How hard would it be to implement something like `(#<2024-10-25T17:15:50Z https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt>)`in jenny as a replacement for `(#twthash)` and have it not care about if is http(s) or a g-protocol?
In reply to: #lnlbnsq 3 months ago
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