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Reply to #ebsmpza

> how can we concretely think about "Complexity Budget" and define it in terms that can be leveraged and used to control the complexity of software dns ystems?

Not exactly on "Complexity", more on UX, although I use this book as a reading material for design courses, on how finally the user receives all that complexity with tragic consecuences:

And on that "complexity" that the user doesn't see, usually I go with "Software Architecture: The Hard Parts"
2 weeks ago
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Looking for a good library to parse xml feeds with PHP
2 weeks ago
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Reply to #kxeqida
@prologic thanks!! Happy to return :)
2 weeks ago
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This is looking good!
3 weeks ago
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Empiezo a escribir un poco sobre diseño de juegos acá:
1 month ago
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Reply to #kt6riya
@prologic me too, I only go to the web page when I want to do more advanced stuff .
1 month ago
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Reply to #j4t6n2q
@prologic it is good solutions. Just the a/ is hard to implement if they have a mobile phone with 5G (solutions exist though). and the point b/ is the most important, a continuous discussion about the dangers.
1 month ago
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Social networks are very dangerous for teenagers. When your teen needs one consider giving him a Flip Phone. And watch all new device connecting to the wifi because the « friends » of the teen will give him, one of their old mobile (that he will hide).
1 month ago
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Reply to #qtehxua
@movq which games ?
1 month ago
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Reply to #qtehxua
@movq FCK GW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8746W-28798.

1 month ago
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Reply to #qtehxua
@movq img
1 month ago
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Reply to #f3gunra
it won't have more, I'm sorry, it is my fault. I wanted to create my own training of Muay Boran, and for that I created a program that transforms a youtube channel in twtxt, with the goal to have an alerting that gives me 4 training videos per weekend, the time was suppose to increment + 1 week at each 4 videos. (so I could read it in my feed, each saturday morning like "don't forget to train on those videos today") BUT I messed up the time part.

Sorry again.

PS: Yes still active user (reader).
1 month ago
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Reply to #tolmmcq
you got me 😉
I don't use my account on although I like the content that is found there.

Yeah, Yarn as a piece of software is really nice, I've said that a few times before.

Although technology is only a piece of the puzzle.
As a community/ecosystem is perhaps too niche. I agree that 'social platforms' don't need to be meaningful, perhaps they don't even need to be useful.
We are sharing time and words here, so that's good by itself.
2 months ago
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Reply to #gxolr6a
Well, I don't use Yarn/ anymore, although I read the homepage a few times a week to catchup on anything interesting.

Nowadays I barely twt from my PHP instance. I got to say that is more "convenient" reading from that on my instance.

My current feeling is that is too niche to find something interesting, being about personal growth, professional or even entertaining. There is not enough people and/or interesting topics to be engaged on. The network effect of people making content is missing IMO. Although I have a similar feeling of any other microblogging, it's too superficial to have a meaningful conversation.
Sadly in this ecosystem I've found no one twting on Spanish, and having conversations in English is not so easy to me.

And about local communities, I tried to invite friends and colleagues, but no one created their instance or joined to Yarn. Even the local Mastodon instance has 3 members (myself included), so I think creating a hipster microblogging is not as easy as looked at the start.

It's again a decision between the involved time and the 'reward' at the end. If we are not getting good emotions or something bigger that ourselves, feels like 'not worthy' to belong.
2 months ago
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A quiet Sunday, with family, my dog 🐶, house cleaning, preparing for a travel tomorrow...

That's all the twt
3 months ago
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Reply to #nlzhexa
Indeed, BitWarden works nice as a credentials manager, and I'm quite happy with the implementation of Passkeys.

Sadly my old Android 9 is not compatible with the mobile app, although I use the web for that case.
That said, that's what I've been using for years and I can't find a reason to try another (as usually happens with these tools)

I'd suggest of self-host or trying a public instance of Vaultwarden like
(donation supported)
3 months ago
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Why do clickers are named like that?

The buttons on Zenith’s original ‘clicker’ TV remote were a mechanical marvel
3 months ago
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“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.” ― L.P. Jacks
3 months ago
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I added an Atom feed to '7 links of the day'. Find some curated links (a few in spanish and french) every morning.
3 months ago
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Reply to #gwa5pja
and about players, well:
VLC (Win/Mac/UX), Musikcube (Win), Music Player (Android), Revanced (Android)
Evil Player, Small player
3 months ago
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Reply to #jfzitsa
Nothing fancy, although it has changed along the years.

I payed for Spotify Premium for many years, but since 2020 I think it lost its value for me, so I switched to YT, or a local company is offering Deezer free for a year.

I've been playing with the idea of storing most of my music in SD cards or internal memory from an old android.

Currently in my car I listen to music in a SD card with 'everything' I've been getting in the last 10+ years. I'm lazy to switch on the Bluetooth on my phone.

At home, I have a few different speakers, with line input and bluetooth. My wife has an Alexa near the dining room, so we often listen to music or the radio there.

Also, very often I play Youtube playlists on the TV (I'm looking for some way to listen to Youtube on a speaker, but haven't found any. Or with the phone with Revanced (which stopped working last week)

Since I have diverse players I try to stick to MP3 VBR, although I try to download or convert tracks to 'more recent' formats. Weirdly my car allows WMA, and more weirdly I have some tracks which came to that SD card mysteriously.
I haven't found FLAC interesting as when I was in college, I can't notice a difference between lossy and loseless formats. Perhaps my environment is too noisy or I'm getting older 😅

That said, I'd really want to isolate my home-office, I have too much reverb when recording, and also external noise, which sometimes affect when listening to music.
3 months ago
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Reply to #xgh42da
3 months ago
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Interesting analysis on how we face stress based on our personality and preferences… Checked a few of those 5 types.
4 months ago
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This is interesting allowing to access a Web with SSH, although a bit complicated for the 'regular' user

I'd expect some one-time password, or some challenge to copy and paste. Anyway, it always makes mi think of alternatives to passwords.
4 months ago
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Reply to #dzobbnq
interesting, how does it work?
4 months ago
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Reply to #ptplydq
Ha! I had one of these in college (Win XP), and my father had a slightly newer model (Win Vista).

It was great to play FIFA 08, and the keyboard was amazing, although I agree it was really heavy and thick, but was affordable and powerful for that age.

Now I had a Dell Inspiron 2014 with Xubuntu, and works pretty well. I changed from HDD to SSD and it's now a pretty decent laptop to type notes and hacking a bit.
4 months ago
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Frecuentemente me gusta revisitar este episodio. Sobre el rol de los productores, lo racional y emocional detrás de productos de entretenimiento, negociación y política.

#146. Gastón Pavlovich - Responder a Amenazas, Tomar Riesgos Calculados y Ser un Outsider
4 months ago
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Me invitaron al Mastodon de Super Happy Dev House CUU, por allá me pueden ver también. Intentaré publicar en ambos lados!
4 months ago
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Reply to #3syipzq
well, at work we use JSONC which basically is JSON + // and /* */
Its syntax is supported by vs code, and we wrote a few scripts to remove the comments so it's practically compatible with anything
It's day and night not only for configuration but for testing and development.
4 months ago
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Reply to #wnbmb2q

Organization eligibility
- Must run an active open source or free software project.
- Must have produced and released software under an OSI approved license.
- Must not be based in a country currently embargoed by the United States.

Sadly the application period is over, but we could register the project for next year.
4 months ago
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Reply to #zwpd7hq
For Python, env files with dotenv.
For JS, usually JSONP or a config.js
For PHP a config.php with an array usually works
For C#, I try to avoid the ugly native XML, but it's what most of the team use...

For most I have a .env.sample in the repo, and we ignore .env or config* to avoid storing credentials.
4 months ago
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I came across Google Summer of Code

This one looks interesting, I'll apply soon, and perhaps is interesting for you as well

Would 'twtxt' be a good project for the next one? 🤔
4 months ago
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Reply to #k6ie4ua
for video-game courses... All the university uses it 😬
5 months ago
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Reply to #4xdp7oa

I haven't used Matrix in ages, just Telegram, WA, Discord and Teams... I think I got used to those. Perhaps that's because none of my acquaintances is in Matrix or XMPP, what am I missing?
5 months ago
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I had forgotten a bit this twtxt...
How are you doing these days ?
5 months ago
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"We need our sensitivity to be hurt in order to grow. If we protect our feelings, we become cyclical, remain impoverished, frustrated, stagnant. You need a love, a coach, a boss, an influencer, a stranger who emotionally wounds your worldview so you can then redirect that anger/pain it causes you towards an analysis that helps you eliminate/optimize much of what you're doing."
5 months ago
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Concept of the day:
5 months ago
💬 Reply jumped to Ruby League 🔻
185/140 calories burned this week!
5 months ago
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Reply to #62vi2ma
well, I like that name ! Has more personality than the other one, I think

And I read this article, and didn't make the connection to your domain!

I'm still looking for a typed Python, but let's see if it comes natively in 3.13 or something
5 months ago
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After getting used to it, I'm loving this date format:

I liked '6feb2024', although isn't as international as the former.
And... '06/02/24' is awful, don't use it!
5 months ago
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A ver, ahí va un experimento...

Un 'agregador' para la Web pequeña en español, por lo pronto con unos cuantos feeds. (Compárteme los tuyos)
Muy inspirado en Antenna, aunque con una forma un poco diferente (tomando en cuenta que en español escribimos menos seguido)ña/
5 months ago
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¿Por qué y para qué tener un blog?

¿Cuales son los tuyos?
5 months ago
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Reply to #7vlqkba
Esto, comenzando a leer "CONTENT: Selected Essays on Technology, Creativity, Copyright and the Future of the Future"

Uno de los retos de 2020 en adelante, ha sido encontrar cómo generar de forma sostenida, menos subsidiada (con lo bueno y malo que tiene), y quisiera decir, más cercana a la realidad inmediata.
5 months ago
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Nos encanta comprar cosas, servicios. Tangibles e intangibles. Quizás a veces en exceso.
Nos fastidia qué nos vendan. Encontrar anuncios. Nos causan dolor las paredes de pago o que nos pidan unos dólares para poder pasar.

En años recientes he encontrado esta situación difícil como creador. Desde un medio donde todo debería ser gratis, subsidiado por alguien más, me he movido a lo físico qué tiene costos, inventarios, viajes... Quizás se aprecia más el valor del contenedor qué del contenido.
5 months ago
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Reply to #tjevvyq
Well, I'll describe basic microblogging actions as:
Reply - Extend a conversation, create a new twt in reply to another
Boost, Retweet, Repost - Silently show a twt to your followers (maybe to share some interesting URL to follow based on that twt)
Quote - Start a new conversation based on a previous twt (debatable, for instance Masto doesn't have this one, has to be done manually)

To go back a few steps I was checking this doc:

Reply is already covered there. Allows to tag someone with @nick1 which I think is good enough to start following that URL to see the whole conv.
For quoting, I like your idea of using '>'
It could be something like
(#hash) @nick > "Quoted text"\nThen a comment

Finally for boosting, there's no syntax to do that.

Since I was using
to define a twt in a language different than the default one, I was thinking on something similar.

(#hash) @nick [boost]

Meaning, "hey! see that twt with hash # from that URL"
5 months ago
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I'm thinking of a kind of 'boost' or 'retweet/repost' for twtxt, so it can help with discoverability of interesting people to follow.

Something like
5 months ago
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Ha, this is cool. Has its flaws, although is easy to remember.

An RNG that runs in your brain
6 months ago
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Reply to #ef3x2ia
And this one is cool as well 👀

🦊 & 🐰
6 months ago
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Ha, these visualizations are cool and really easy to grasp!

I should use them in some next course.

My Master's thesis was on digital ballots, so it's always appealing to think a bit on how to 'fix' elections. Spoiler: It doesn't matter.
6 months ago
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New links every hour!

I'm thinking of having a snapshot of an specific hour, to make it easier to share the link

One from this hour:
This story will change the way you think about your friends
6 months ago
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